One of the main goals of Eastridge Church is to be a place that not only meets the spiritual needs of people in the community, but also a place of resource for individuals and families. Whether it’s partnering with other local non-profit organizations, hopping a plane on a foreign missions trip, or volunteering on a ministry team at Eastridge. This is where faith takes shape and extends a hand to the people in our community. We invite you to check out these three areas and get involved.


One of the best ways to grow in your walk with Christ and to build great new friendships is to “get plugged in” to one of our ministry teams. What do you like to do? Are you a people person who likes to meet new people? There is a place for you on one of our Guest Services teams! Do you like to cook and create a feeling of hospitality – there is a place for you on our hospitality team. Do you love babies or children and want to help in one of these areas? Are you handy with tools, or do you like to serve seniors? Do you have a heart for helping to feed those in need? If you love to sing or play an instrument or want to learn more about drama or audio and visual technology – there is a place for you on our Worship & Arts team! Whatever your passion, strengths, and time availability – there is a ministry team for you!

What is your next step in finding out more about a ministry team? Sign up for a team in the button below!


Eastridge Cares is designed to reach out into our community through multiple local outreaches and various partnerships. Each year we have at least three major events that extend hope and help to our community in Issaquah and West Seattle, including a summer backpack giveaway, Thanksgiving turkey and groceries giveaway, and Christmas toy house for children. We also partner with several local non-profit groups that provide services to our community. We invite you to be a part of the bigger picture! Learn more about each project and how to get involved by emailing Lisette Murrell.


The heart and hand of Eastridge are extended and represented throughout the Global sphere as we partner through our denomination’s missions programs and other para-church organizations. We also encourage every adult to participate in at least one foreign missions trip somewhere in their lifetime, it is a life changing moment and an experience you will never forget.


Each year Eastridge Church participates in several global and national missions trips. These missions have benefited people from all over the globe, from Austria to Uganda, Panama to Jamaica, Los Angeles to West Seattle. Mission trips are a unique way to exercise your faith and share the love of Christ with others in practical ways using your skill, talents and gifts. Consider joining with Eastridge on our next trip!


The Assemblies of God has over 1,800 missionaries reaching out across the world to bring the gospel to 176 nations, through six field departments: Africa, Asia Pacific, Northern Asia, Eurasia, Europe, and Latin America/Caribbean. The emphasis is evangelism, church planting, and training national leadership. Eastridge Church supports every missionary appointed by the Northwest District of the Assemblies of God, in addition we support several other missionaries and mission endeavors. Every one of these needs prayer. Without it, they aren’t able to effectively minister under the pressure of different cultures, climates, political situations, and tremendous spiritual needs. If you would like to learn more about these people and world regions as well as donate to a specific missionary, you can visit the Assemblies of God missionary website at